1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm e-mail
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the eternalaugust.com moderators.

  1. Don't be a nazi. No racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. We aim to make an inclusive space, and thus will not put up with hate of any kind.
  2. No Crypto. No Spam. No Crypto Spam.
  3. Please use CW's for NSFW, or any content someone might reasonably prefer to opt in to seeing. Help keep our instance safe to browse at work.
  4. No Fandom Wank. (for the zoomers: don't pick on people or start feuds over how somebody is engaging in fandom) This rule has been added for legacy reasons.
  5. Please keep the amount of work the admins have to do to a minimum. You are expected to behave like an adult in society. These rules are intentionally vague because we do not expect anybody to willfully cause problems. Please do not disappoint us.
  6. META RULE: we acknowledge that, this being the fediverse, this instance is the only place we have jurisdiction. We will not enforce rules from other servers on our users, and we cannot enforce our rules on users of other servers.